APMP ANZ Chapter Salary Survey 2020

As part of APMP ANZ’s commitment to deliver valuable resources to our members, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new salary survey project and would like to invite members and industry contacts to participate in the research.

Through this survey, APMP ANZ is looking to provide members with a current benchmark of salary levels in our operating region, as well as measurement of job satisfaction and factors influencing career choices. The results of this survey can assist with career planning, salary negotiations and performance conversations. The salary survey research will be applicable to those located in other regions of APAC including New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.

A report on the results of this confidential survey will be shared as a free service to members thanks to our sponsorship from Dalton Handley. The survey link can be accessed here: https://dqube.online/S2/44/apmp_salary_research/