APMP ANZ Member Survey May/June 2023

We are pleased to present the findings of the APMP ANZ Member Survey for May/June 2023. The survey was issued by direct email to 575 members and designed to understand member preferences, expectations and areas of focus to deliver enhanced value, targeted initiatives and tailored content for our community.

Approximately 157 members responded to the 21 questions providing approx. 27% rate of response. The survey achieved great engagement across our member base. Participants were geographically dispersed, representative of a good cross section of cities and regions within Australia and included a significant number of participants from Southeast Asia.

Recommendations and future initiatives:

  • Support members in their pursuit of certifications over the next 12 months. Also, proactively address the concerns and barriers expressed by members who do not plan to pursue certifications.
  • Understand the nature of the relationship with the APMP Body of Knowledge.
  • Modify our webinar offerings to better align with member expectations.
  • Tailor our newsletter schedule to align with member preferences.
  • Enhance conference experiences by securing an even mix of impactful keynote speakers and facilitating networking opportunities.
  • Make informed decisions regarding providing conference recordings as an additional resource for our members.
  • Explore partnerships with universities, consultancies, and industry associations to provide valuable resources and expand career development avenues.
  • Incorporate insights on work-life balance and strategic bidding support into our initiatives.
  • Evaluate opportunities for internships, international benchmarking and collaboration with business chambers to further enhance members’ professional growth.

Further, we commit to re-survey members annually to keep track member of preferences and insights.

Snapshot of results

Note – Question 21 of the survey asked participants if they would like to provide more information outside of this survey on areas of their membership that matter most.  21 members agreed to be contacted. The Committee will be in touch during July and August 2023 to close out the second part of this survey. Any significant findings or trends will be published to this page.

Other locations of members: 1x China, 1x Indonesia, 2x Pakistan, 16x Philippines, 4x Regional NSW, 1x Regional QLD, 1x Regional WA, 1x Thailand

Q20. If you would like us to consider any strategic partnerships of potential interest, please provide details.
Our interpretation of the types of partnerships we should actively seek are broadly:

  • Project managers
  • Universities
  • Procurement associations
  • Marketing associations
  • Government bodies
  • Local business chambers
  • Jobs/careers opportunities (recruitment/industry)
  • Technology providers
  • Business development/leading consultancies

Meet our 2022 Committee Members

To our new committee members

Welcome On board!

Chapter Governance 
ChairEliza Carbines
Vice ChairMark Riley
SecretaryGodslove Bobby
TreasurerMegan Callahan
Public OfficerMartin Coombs
Membership Journey and Connections 
Communications LeadShweta Gupta
Marketing and Business Development LeadShweta Gupta
Asia Membership and Networking LeadSara Miller
NZ Membership Lead Kiri Goss
Conference and Programs 
Conference and Events Lead (NEW)Tania Field
Mentorship and Jobs Board Lead  Kate Woodlock
Professional Development 
Certification and Corporate Membership LeadNigel Dennis
Webinars and Awards LeadAndrea Ambrosio
Training LeadJacqui Pike

APMP ANZ Chapter Salary Survey 2020

As part of APMP ANZ’s commitment to deliver valuable resources to our members, we are pleased to announce the launch of our new salary survey project and would like to invite members and industry contacts to participate in the research.

Through this survey, APMP ANZ is looking to provide members with a current benchmark of salary levels in our operating region, as well as measurement of job satisfaction and factors influencing career choices. The results of this survey can assist with career planning, salary negotiations and performance conversations. The salary survey research will be applicable to those located in other regions of APAC including New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore.

A report on the results of this confidential survey will be shared as a free service to members thanks to our sponsorship from Dalton Handley. The survey link can be accessed here: https://dqube.online/S2/44/apmp_salary_research/


We are delighted to commence the first of our APMP-Me series with two of our members, Danny Shafar, General Manager – Business Development, Quayclean and Eliza Carbines CF APMP, Director, Tender Relief.

The APMP-Me series will shine a spotlight on our members and their career journeys to develop and expand on their professional skills, and getting APMP certified.

How long have you been a member of APMP?
Since 2004 but the APMP system says pre-1990. I knew it was a long time, certainly during the APMP formative years and well before the ANZ Chapter was formed!

How did you hear of the APMP and what made you join?
My company at that stage engaged Shipley Associates to provide some training. So I heard of APMP through Shipley.

How has APMP enriched your career?
Through conferences and networking and the APMP Journal. I have attended all the conferences in Australia since they began.  It is great to hear about bid development from an international perspective.

How does your profession reflect in your day to day life?
I am a very rational and organised person. I like to plan everything. For example when I go on holiday I have a planned itinerary of my whole trip.  

What is your most memorable proposal?
The most memorable has to be in around 2006. I was working on a big proposal worth 25M in those days. We had five people on the proposals team and we had to deliver the hardcopy proposal by 4pm in a bag to the loading dock.

As luck would have it – our printer/ photocopier broke down. Remember that at this time there was 5MB limit on emails, and no portals etc. We had to then burn to a CD and had a member of our team drive into the client’s loading dock to deliver it – one small envelope. We handed the hardcopy in after our copier was repaired. At least we met the deadline but in a different way.  And most importantly, we won the bid!  

What is the best part of being a member of APMP? 
Knowledge sharing in general. Probably through conferences.

What’s next? 
Get certified – especially now while in lockdown!
How long have you been a member of APMP?

I’ve been a member since 2018 – but more active this year.

How did you hear of the APMP and what made you join?

Through Google for an industry body and through BidWrite.

How do you feel having recently being awarded your Foundation certification? Any handy tips for those out there contemplating taking the exam?
I feel encouraged and proud to be part of an industry body that I think is so important and to represent and advocate in my way. I am also relieved that I finally did it.

My top tip – don’t think about it – just do it. I think it should be a necessity in our industry – not a nice to have. I think of it as not negotiable. For my business I think it is the right thing to do for my clients and for employers. I also think it is a really low cost for the value that you get.

How has APMP enriched your career?
I feel my quality of work has improved and I feel validated now – for my clients and in my work. The knowledge I’ve acquired I can pass to my clients.

How does your profession reflect in your day to day life?
We’re in the middle of landscaping our yard and I’m constantly needing to know what the process is – just like allocating tasks to team members. I need to know who is in charge of what so that I can allocate all parts of the project so nothing is left undone. I am driving my husband mad.

What is your most memorable proposal?

It would have to be on a 250M bid that we had. There were 6 competitors and we were required to respond in an excel spreadsheet. No graphics – so formatting and no persuasion. We created a proper Word document and sent it alongside a PDF as a “bonus.” We were 70% more expensive than a cheaper competitor – and made it to the final 2. The PDF was discussed when we were shortlisted and went for the presentation, so it worked!

What is the best part of being a member of APMP? 
For me, as the sole person in my business – the best advantage with APMP is that I have colleagues. Connecting with APMP has given me my own team and therefore I am less lonely especially now during Covid. You can always reach out to someone for APMP for advice or just to have a chat.

What’s next? 
I am going to do my Practitioner certification by the end of September.

APMP ANZ Chapter Awards 2020

Important dates

Awards open: Tuesday 18 August 2020

Nomination deadline: Tuesday 13 October 2020

Finalists announced: Early November 2020

Virtual Awards Ceremony: Wednesday 18 November 2020

To view more about the categories and eligibility requirements, click the link below:


APMP ANZ wins chapter of the year award

The APMP ANZ Chapter has won the 2020 Stephen P. Shipley Chapter of the Year award. This recognition is thanks to our active membership base of winning work professionals and dedicated volunteer committee. Together we are having a positive impact as thought leaders in the proposal industry within ANZ and the Asia-Pacific region.

The Stephen P. Shipley award honours the APMP chapter that demonstrates excellence in chapter sustenance and development through support of APMP initiatives. APMP ANZ was recognised for:

  • Membership engagement initiatives including successful conferences
  • A growing certification program, with 181 members currently holding at least one level of APMP certification
  • Strong membership growth, with ANZ appearing in the top three chapters for the number of new members in a recent membership promotion
  • Regular webinars held with industry-leading speakers
  • Networking events held across a vast geographical area, with 18 events held in 12 locations since 2019
  • Offshore networking events held in Hong Kong, Manila and Singapore
  • Communication activities including a new website developed in 2019 and
  • Initiatives designed to provide more value to members including our recent mentorship program and upcoming salary survey and awards program.

With nearly 30 chapters located worldwide, APMP ANZ was recognised with two other finalists: the APMP National Capital Area (NCA) Chapter in the US and the APMP UK chapter. Congratulations to our fellow finalists.

Announcing the first APMP ANZ Mentoring Program

We are delighted to launch the first ever APMP ANZ Mentoring Program.

We are now accepting applications for both mentor and mentee positions. A mentor can be the secret weapon you need to get ahead at work.

For potential mentees, this is a great opportunity for you to connect with a mentor who can offer insight, advice, opportunity – and help you navigate the next stage/s of your career.

For potential mentors, this is a great opportunity for you to give back to your industry, become an even better leader, and refine your own skills and networks.

APMP is the worldwide authority for professionals dedicated to the process of winning business through proposals, bids, tenders and presentations.

Spaces are limited for the first group/cohort of mentors and mentees – so make sure to sign up right now.

For more information and to download the application form, click here.