We are pleased to present the findings of the APMP ANZ Member Survey for May/June 2023. The survey was issued by direct email to 575 members and designed to understand member preferences, expectations and areas of focus to deliver enhanced value, targeted initiatives and tailored content for our community.
Approximately 157 members responded to the 21 questions providing approx. 27% rate of response. The survey achieved great engagement across our member base. Participants were geographically dispersed, representative of a good cross section of cities and regions within Australia and included a significant number of participants from Southeast Asia.
Recommendations and future initiatives:
- Support members in their pursuit of certifications over the next 12 months. Also, proactively address the concerns and barriers expressed by members who do not plan to pursue certifications.
- Understand the nature of the relationship with the APMP Body of Knowledge.
- Modify our webinar offerings to better align with member expectations.
- Tailor our newsletter schedule to align with member preferences.
- Enhance conference experiences by securing an even mix of impactful keynote speakers and facilitating networking opportunities.
- Make informed decisions regarding providing conference recordings as an additional resource for our members.
- Explore partnerships with universities, consultancies, and industry associations to provide valuable resources and expand career development avenues.
- Incorporate insights on work-life balance and strategic bidding support into our initiatives.
- Evaluate opportunities for internships, international benchmarking and collaboration with business chambers to further enhance members’ professional growth.
Further, we commit to re-survey members annually to keep track member of preferences and insights.
Snapshot of results
Note – Question 21 of the survey asked participants if they would like to provide more information outside of this survey on areas of their membership that matter most. 21 members agreed to be contacted. The Committee will be in touch during July and August 2023 to close out the second part of this survey. Any significant findings or trends will be published to this page.

Other locations of members: 1x China, 1x Indonesia, 2x Pakistan, 16x Philippines, 4x Regional NSW, 1x Regional QLD, 1x Regional WA, 1x Thailand

Q20. If you would like us to consider any strategic partnerships of potential interest, please provide details.
Our interpretation of the types of partnerships we should actively seek are broadly:
- Project managers
- Universities
- Procurement associations
- Marketing associations
- Government bodies
- Local business chambers
- Jobs/careers opportunities (recruitment/industry)
- Technology providers
- Business development/leading consultancies